Journey WITH Charissa

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Picture day!

Today, we did something a bit different. I took Charissa to Alexandria to have her picture taken. These pictures were of the "old time" variety, the type where the kids are dressed in old-looking dresses and hats. She waited patiently while the guy snapped picture after picture.
It's always the way. She is Little Miss Model and the male photographers LOVE to snap pic after pic because she's so cooperative. She has a blast! The issue comes when I have to PICK from the pics to get a package. Leaving some behind is the worst.

Anyway, the photo session benefits some acquaintances of ours who are going after their THIRD. (Yes. I said THIRD.) Not only is it their third--it's their third FOUR-YEAR-OLD.
She is three months younger than the oldest and two months younger than the middle one. Triplets, Chinese adoption style.

And yes. She is adorable. And yes. I'm hinting. And yes. Brian is avoiding the hints like he avoids brussel sprouts.

Oh, well...


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