Journey WITH Charissa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The moment we've all been waiting for!

She's WALKING!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Visited today

Charissa is in a wonderful mood tonight, mostly because she got to visit a lot of folk. First, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Rich, Aunt Patty, and Uncle Bud were all together at home. She showed off for them a little, then went to sleep for a good while. Later, she went to see Sally and Jay down the road; then she went on to see Mike and Betty still farther down the road. (Or is it "up"?) Anyway, the visits seem to have made her more satisfied than she's been in a while. They did me some good, too.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oops. Catch-up time

Oh, yeah.

Charissa has somewhere around 13 teeth. She says about 10-15 words and understands a bunch more. Sandy thinks she's ahead of where she should be in language. I agree. Generally, she's happy. No night terrors, little fussiness, in general, and easy-going almost to a fault. She's a lot of fun.

And she learned to drink from a straw yesterday. We'd never tried before. Funny.

Notes on our Monday off

Went to meet Sandy the Social Worker at McDonald's. While we were there, Charissa begged french fries from a former student of mine, looked at books, played with her Leap Frog, and generally impressed Sandy and Candy. (I think that's her assistant's name.) Charissa dropped Leap once and I put her on the floor to get him and, in the process, tapped her head on the table. Sandy said, "That's what you do in front of us, Carolyn." We laughed. Thank goodness she didn't hit hard.

Then we met Bart and Bob Evans' and ate up their daddy's gift certificates. (Before anyone fusses at me, he doesn't like BE well at all.) After that, Charissa took in her first bookstore--Barnes and Noble. While I would have liked for it to be the Blue Marble, B&N was a good second choice. And now I see Borders has moved into Crestview Hills. YAY!!!

Then we went to Meijer. Exchanged clothes that she couldn't wear and then bought for Liana H. (It's funny when you go into a store thinking "Haverbusch girl." You get a picture immediately, if you know them. Sure makes shopping easy.)

Today we're exhausted, but we had fun yesterday.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

This is worth posting on both of them

Bart and Charissa came to Bible study at school this morning. After it was over, he headed out to take her to the sitter's. Cassie, one of our sweet senior girls, saw Bart, then she saw Nicole down the hall. She decided to inform Nicole that Bart was around."Hey, Nicole!" she called. "Your boyfriend's here with the baby!"

Cassie told me later through a red face, "That's how things get started."