Journey WITH Charissa

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Maybe we SHOULD look into gymnastics

Charissa started doing somersaults tonight. Most were a little off the mark, but several were actual somersaults.

The best was when Brett came up to do them with her. They took turns. She thought it was hilarious.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Christmas Pictures...Better Late Than Never

Situation normal

Charissa has been doing what Charissa does. Even though everything she does is newsworthy, it's tough to post it all when...well, when Charissa has been doing what Charissa does. ;-)

She enjoys going to Michele's for the day (thank goodness) and she plays well with the other kids. It's been good for her. She's learning a lot from them. In contrast, we're kind of boring--if you don't count Brett.

She's learned to say "home" and she knows exactly what it means. It's funny how she can understand so much in so little time, but she's always been that way.

Books--ahhh! books. The child is worse than I am. Every time she catches me sitting, she brings me one. I'm thrilled, but sometimes I'm like, "OOOH, boy." When you have memorized the things, they get old. =)

Must get Rich to post Christmas pics...