Journey WITH Charissa

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mr. Mom day for Mrs. Mom

It started when she wet OUR bed this morning. I had just changed the sheets yesterday.

Made lasagna for Rich and for us without incident, then took it to him. Charissa slept nearly all the way there and almost all the way back. That, of course, meant that her schedule was thrown off and so was her mood. After a couple hours of moodiness from both of the Estrogen Queens, I finally gave up at 4:30 and put her down for a nap.

Now I'm cleaning her room--as I was trying to do when she insisted on reading books her way. (That's a page from one, then a half page from the next one, then sliding off my lap and fussing at me like I put her off.) Anyway, I picked up Leap and he started singing the Alphabet Song. I put him on his shelf and hit the Playschool Puppy, who joined him in the same song, but a different rhythm. That's when I left.

At least she slept through the racket. She may not sleep for the rest of the night, but she slept through that.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I melted this evening

Church was fun. (Who knew Charissa would wink when she was introduced?) But this was better:

Charissa tried to say, "I love you." I'd just said it to her, so I know that's what it was!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Since it's been a while

Recent Charissa developments:

  • She's walking everywhere.
  • She knows what cows, sheep, and Santa Claus all say--sort of. (Santa says, "Ha-ha-ha."
  • She CAN eat with a fork when she wants to.
  • She can't figure out why all of our noses "honk" but hers doesn't.
  • The Christmas tree is fun...for her. ;-) (Mom is a little tired from putting it up.)
  • She tries to say, "Apple," "More milk," "Thank you," and "Tickle, tickle."