Journey WITH Charissa

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A stress-buster

Saturday's shopping trip--something that was supposed to be fun and relaxing--turned into something akin to a nightmare, no fault of the shopping; however, leave it to Charissa to help break the stress.

Recently, we introduced her to the story of Henny-Penny of "sky-is-falling" fame. You remember the cast: Henny-Penny, Ducky-Lucky, et al. She enjoyed the story, so we read it several times before sending back over the library rainbow to Dorothy and Toto (aka Cheri and whomever wishes to be identified as a yappy, nappy little dog.)

So yesterday, I told her that we were going to go to the craft store. We arrived a while later, and, as we walked toward the door, she asked me, "This is Turkey-Lurkey?" Needless to say, I was a bit befuddled, but only for a moment. As I looked at the marquee above the door, it hit me what she meant. I replied, "No. This is Hobby Lobby."

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Picture day!

Today, we did something a bit different. I took Charissa to Alexandria to have her picture taken. These pictures were of the "old time" variety, the type where the kids are dressed in old-looking dresses and hats. She waited patiently while the guy snapped picture after picture.
It's always the way. She is Little Miss Model and the male photographers LOVE to snap pic after pic because she's so cooperative. She has a blast! The issue comes when I have to PICK from the pics to get a package. Leaving some behind is the worst.

Anyway, the photo session benefits some acquaintances of ours who are going after their THIRD. (Yes. I said THIRD.) Not only is it their third--it's their third FOUR-YEAR-OLD.
She is three months younger than the oldest and two months younger than the middle one. Triplets, Chinese adoption style.

And yes. She is adorable. And yes. I'm hinting. And yes. Brian is avoiding the hints like he avoids brussel sprouts.

Oh, well...

Charissa and Collier

(Sorry it's a little blurry. You try to get two 2-year-olds to sit still for a picture.)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

At least she's honest

I told Charissa to clean her bed off. In a moment, I heard, "My bed's cleaned off!" Sure enough, it was.

So I said, knowing the answer, "How did THAT happen so fast?"

"I knocked it all on the floor."

I don't know whether to laugh or start wearing a paper bag when I take her

It's bad enough when you make fun of your own boss, but when your little sister does it, it's enough to make you want to hide.

I took Charissa to the store today. As usual, she had to see all and Brett had to take her. She wanted to see Roger, to boot. (He's the manager not known, bless his heart, for his sense of humor.) He had on a shirt that must have been terrycloth, because Brett said it was kind of fuzzy-looking.

She called Roger "Fuzzy." Repeatedly. Brett pulled her out of the office and brought her to me. He was about as red as I've seen him for a while.

This was after she sang to Brennan, to the tune of Zaccheus, "I'm coming to your basement today." She knows that's his home.

Friday, June 01, 2007

New for Charissa

Company is exciting for Charissa--as long as they're adults.

Today, we watched Collier, another adoptee from our church. Thank goodness he's a little more flexible than Charissa. She, by this afternoon, was screaming if he looked at her.

As for the events of the day:

  1. After pitching a fit at the remote thought that Collier would come into the bathroom with her this morning--to the point that she put off going until she just couldn't anymore--she completed her...uhh..."task" by mooning him.
  2. He called her "mommy" and sat on her lap. "I'm NOT YOUR MOMMY!"
  3. When she woke from her nap, Collier kept saying something as he tried to climb up on the bed with her. When I put him there, he planted a BIG kiss on her. She didn't appreciate it. (To all who feared that all the men would run boyfriends off: your fear is unfounded. No boy will dare come close to her. Ever.)

On other notes:

  1. Gymnastics is going well now. Last night was the first night SINCE the first night that she got on the balance beam, the pole incline and the high (sort-of-high) bar. We were EXCITED. She got to ring the bell, too!
  2. About the time I convince myself she'll be fine in public schools, educators raise a petition against the Creation Museum. Like Ken Ham said (and I paraphrase), it's ONE museum stuck in a little nowhere village in Kentucky vs. evolutionary ("scientific") thought that has pervaded all society. Methinks they protest too much. (That is, the outcry from the secular world suggests that they have something to hide.)
  3. She can carry on conversations about ANYTHING. Tonight, we discussed her birth parents again. She told me she didn't like her birth mother. I explained that I did because she loved her enough to give her up for a better life. Once I said that, her tune changed. "What is her name?" Sadly, I checked the word for "Mother" in Chinese and it's "Ma mi" or "Ma ma," depending on the site. I don't know if that will set with her. She understands more than I ever realized she could.